1·The basic intention is to provide the fresh flavor notes that are reminiscent of fresh homemade foods.
2·However his basic intention, then being from the country race destiny sense of hardship, saves the country and race from subjugation in the danger.
3·The descriptions, however, by intention do not try to teach you basic concepts — they assume you basically know what you are doing, and just need to refine how you do it.
4·And, when he should have some basic way common sense, know their name and address, the intention to help people send him home.
5·A basic human rights that proper standard of living right stipulates as the international human rights convention, have abundant intention and its own particularity.
6·Their basic relationship is conveying and receiving. A communicator manages to convey his information, view and intention to a receiver.
7·This essay is focused on the following basic concepts of RT: cognitive environment, mutual manifestness, relevance, intension and intention.
8·Chapter two: The basic issue on textbook design intention.
9·According to speech act theory in philosophy of language, speech act is the basic unit of language use, and meaning is language user's intention realized in communication.
10·The narrative irony, a basic way of ironical discourse, aims at revealing the real intention of writings through the conflict of two opposites.